Rta red line
Rta red line

  1. #Rta red line driver
  2. #Rta red line upgrade

  • you hold a Passenger Transport licence code PT T012 – holders are required to pass commercial standard eyesight tests.
  • you're between 21 and 44 years old and would like a 10-year licence.
  • #Rta red line upgrade

    If you’re aged 25 years or over, and hold a dual class licence where one class is full C, LR, MR, HR, HC or MC and the other class is R P1 (held for at least 12 months) or R P2, and you are renewing the full class, the R P1 or P2 will automatically upgrade to full.If you hold a dual class licence where one class is full C or R and the other class is P1 or P2, you may be able to renew the full class at the same time as upgrading the provisional class.Upgrading and renewing a dual class licence P2 to full, you must have held your P2 licence for at least 2 years (not including any suspension period).P1 to P2, you must have held your P1 licence for at least 12 months (not including any suspension period).To upgrade your provisional licence from: your licence has an interlock or Q (temporary overseas visitor)’ve had your signature and photograph taken by TfNSW within 10.5 years before the new licence expires.your licence is not subject to any restrictions related to enforcement (for example, cancelled, disqualified, suspended, refused, or pending an appeal or suspension decision).your medical conditions are recorded with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and you have passed a NSW Fitness to Drive medical assessment.Note: If you're aged 75 or over, you need to pass a NSW Fitness to Drive medical assessment you're aged 17 years or over (up to 70 if your licence class is MC).dual class licence, both classes full (C, LR, MR, HR, HC, MC combined with R).single class full licence (C, R, LR, MR, HR, HC, MC).

    #Rta red line driver

  • you hold an eligible driver licence that will expire in 6 months or less, or expired no more than 6 months ago, including:.
  • rta red line

    You may be eligible to renew and/or upgrade your licence online, if:

    Rta red line